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lucife56's avatar

The Eagles



- "This is my entry for the "My Alternative Hero” Contest on :iconmoment-of-beauty:

The Contest Task is: to draw any character from J.R.R. Tolkien “The Lord of the Rings”, “The Hobbit” or “The Silmarillion” or Witcher, Dark Elf. Or the original character from one of these fandoms with a description.

My entry:

Original character from: “The Silmarillion”, “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings” (a long life indeed)

-The Hunter- in his early years

The eagle. He has an affinity with those beasts of prey. Independent, fierce and free.

Description and history

He has light blue eyes and dark hair. Lean rather than muscular.

He was born sometime after the arrival of men to Beleriand. His exact age and origin are unknown, even for him. He is an orphan.

Its said that one day he just appeared in a human village out of nowhere, dirty and hungry. He was only a little child, no more than four or five years old. He grew up there. An old couple took him in.

About two Decades later, when they died, he left. He left with only the clothes he was wearing, provisions that would fit in a bag, knife, bow and arrows.

He considered himself a grown man yet in elven eyes he was so young...

He traveled long and far away in search of “his people”. He found them, but it wasn’t what he expected. He didn’t fit. Maybe because of his upbringing, maybe because his youth. So he wandered.

He wandered and did what he was good at, he killed.

Since the beginning he was a hunter, he became a soldier and then an assassin.

He fighted in the sidelines in almost every battle against the shadow.

In the second age, he traveled east. He disapeared among the men. Maybe seaching for what he could no find among the eldar.

In the fourth age, he watched the last of his race out to sea with a wry smile. Beside him a small child with a striking resemblance to him, but with round ears.

"I've never felt the call of the sea. I was born in this land. Here I have lived and here I will die. What lies beyond the sea does not concern me. All I care about is next to me".

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