Surfacinglucid-light on DeviantArt

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Software used: Apophysis

I've been working on my first fractal tutorial ever and this thing... surfaced. There's a tentacle-ish underwater vibe to it (IMO) - possibly The Handmaiden left even deeper mark on my psyche then I care to admit. So yeah, tutorial is coming, I already spent like 10 hours working on it so there's no way it's going to stay unpublished. It needs some further refining, so I'll upload it either later this week or next monday. I planned on getting a few lab rats (aka fractal artists) to test it first but I don't want to burden anyone, therefore it's gonna be open beta for anyone and everyone.

Thank you for all favourites, comments, critiques and devwatches! :rose: It means a lot to me.

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Similar artworks from my gallery:

I Set the Sky on Fire by lucid-light  Under The Sea by lucid-light  Frozen World Across the Galaxies by lucid-light  Bring Your Space Suit. We're Going Home. by lucid-light      

© Eli Vokounova (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) - Sharing my artworks with attribution (link to the image and my name) is allowed. Commercial usage of my artworks is forbidden. Altering, transforming or building upon my artworks is forbidden.
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1200x675px 1.02 MB
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Kitsudote's avatar

Amazing! Like stardust! 💙💜:+fav: