lucid-light on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

September 29, 2011
Summer is by =lucid-light
Featured by SuicideBySafetyPin
lucid-light's avatar




Software used: Apophysis

Reminds me of something...
Finally, it's summer in here LOL (it's irony "lol" because whole summer had been incredibly and awfuly cold in here). Last few days were super-awesome hot and sunny... and they inspired me to make this fractal :aww:

Thank you for all favourites, comments, critiques and devwatches! :rose: It means a lot to me.

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Thanks to:
by ~Taser-Rander

© Eli Vokounova (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) - Sharing my artworks with attribution (link to the image and my name) is allowed. Commercial usage of my artworks is forbidden. Altering, transforming or building upon my artworks is forbidden.
Image size
1200x900px 2.02 MB
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monkeypunk413's avatar
Love the colors, patterns, and shapes! Nice work!