Luciano Vecchio
Dibujante de comics e ilustrador viviendo en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Comic book artist and illustrator based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Yo Luciano when are you gon' come back to DA?!
Hi sir
Hello! Are you an anime/manga fan? Are you a fan of Super Smash Bros.?
hey just wanted to say that all of your work so far has been amazing and even though I can't add them to my favorites due to the deviantart algorithm, they will always have a place there in my heart.
Hi there, just curious... I might have read your comment wrong, but how does the DeviantArt algorithm prevent anyone from adding artworks to their favorites?
Well that pręty easy when you in rapid manner start faving arts, then add one pojt it start disfsv8ng them the very next moment you fave the, which make it imposible to make up and ave all unfaved art
Hello @LucianoVecchio are you there and if so I was wonderin if you could digital drawn teen titans 2003 blackfire in her dcamu suit since I figured I would ask