The Six Hundred and Sixty SixthLuches on DeviantArt

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The Six Hundred and Sixty Sixth

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~Nothing shall evade our cleansing fire,
not Daemon or Spawn or Renegade.
Fore we are Man's Divine Blade!~

I had always wanted to try a painting on the mighty Space marines of the Warhammer 40k universe since I was first introduce to them when I started work in IFS. How else but to start with the mightiest amongst them, the Grey Knights.

I had the most fun during the research and studies of the chapter, and it really lifted my mood during the the entire period.

Hope I did them justice, no pun intended :p

P.S Forgot to add, 666 is the Chapter number of the Grey Knights for those who don't know :p Forgot to mention it, half assuming everyone is into 40k here :p
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