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The Magnavulpes Sisters



The Magnavulpes clan were descendants of a race of Fox Giants created during the First Age. King Behemma, the First Nibiru Beast God, created them to serve the Titanic Empire as warriors and pets. Some managed to survive the Fall of the Titans at the end of the First Age, and allied themselves with Duocauda, the Two-Tailed Magnaprodigium Fox Guardian of Vulpes-Terram ("Fox Land"). The region was a refuge for Fox demihumans and trolls of many varieties. A rich Vulpine culture developed and thrived as they used their fox-like abilities to coordinate with Duocauda and the many foxes under his dominion. Learning from their ancestors that lived under the reign of the cruel titans, and learned to live off of the land, and not the flesh of people, Vulpine or not.

However, during the Incursion of the Gods of the Second Nibiru, their peaceful culture would change for the worst. Therrium Rex, the Second Nibiru Beast God, took one of the Magnavulpes women to be one of his wives. Together, they conceived Queen Alba Deovulpes, the White Fox Goddess. With her father's aid, she enslaved Duocauda and his fellow beasts. She took control of the land with little effort, as the Magnavulpes family pledged themselves to her and the Cult of Therrium Rex.

Due to the barbarism of his cult and years of war, the entire race of Fox Gods soon reverted to their violent ways. They bought his lies about the origins of the universe and the order of life. The Magnavulpes and other Fox Demigods were seen as sacred, and worshiped by the smaller races. As resources soon began to be depleted, the giant Magnavulpes and other Fox Gods began to demand sacrifices.

Eventually, the land fell into ruins as Queen Deovulpes continually lived in luxury as her people began to decrease in number. Wars and internal conflicts led to the deaths of many in Vulpes-Terram. When the Gods of the Second Nibiru were defeated with the rise of the Universal Apostles, the Kingdom suffered greatly without Therrium Rex to aid his daughter. However, despite there being far fewer of the Magnavulpes family in the land, she still held her own against invading forces. Her own powers, those of her allies, and Duocauda were more than enough to maintain control of the land.

Around 490 - 520 AEB, Nora Magnavulpes and her daughters guarded the southern border of Vulpes-Terram. Nora and her eldest daughters checked all of the giant demigods entering the country. Those who had business in Vulpes-Terram were welcomed, while intruders were thrown out with the help of the great foxes, including Duocauda himself.

Those human-sized individuals that caught their attention entered with greater difficulty. Nora and her daughters were notorious for their voracious appetites as well as their disturbingly playful attitude towards their prey. Anyone not under the protection of Queen Deovulpes' escorts would often become their plaything before they were consumed.  It was just everyday life to them to toy with lesser things, much like their animal counterparts do with mice.

They served the White Fox Queen until the arrival of the great thunder dragon, Barruchia, who would give the Universal Apostles the opening they need to conquer the land.

Pictured above is Nora Magnavulpes (center) with five of her daughters and a distant relative of the Cat Gods of Iteru in North-Eastern Solarpellis. They are "enjoying" the company of Universal Apostle Missionaries sent from Apostolopolis in their usual fashion.
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Burksaurus's avatar

Awesome looking foxes. I really like the lore on them and their design