Commission Info [OPEN]

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LualaDy's avatar

This is an obsolete journal, please refer to this one for 2019 commissions:

Commission Info 2019 CLOSEDLuala Dy Traditional artWatercolour - Coloured Pencils - InkFairy Tale Fantasy - Portraits - Illustration Paypal Coloured Pencils A6 | A5 | A4 Sketches: 20€ | 30€ | 50€ Line sketch (1 colour)    Drawing: 30€ | 50€ | 80€ Shaded and detailed drawing (2 colours).   Drawing + a dash of watercolour: 40€ | 60€ | 90€ Shaded and detailed drawing in coloured pencils (1 or 2 colours). Background or details in watercolour. Extra character or additional background: +50% If portrait: +10€ because resemblance requires extra work Watercolour A5 | A4 Simple llustration: 70€ | 100€  Character painted in watercolours. Whi... Commission Info 2019 CLOSEDLuala Dy Traditional artWatercolour - Coloured Pencils - InkFairy Tale Fantasy - Portraits - Illustration Paypal Coloured Pencils A6 | A5 | A4 Sketches: 20€ | 30€ | 50€ Line sketch (1 colour)    Drawing: 30€ | 50€ | 80€ Shaded and detailed drawing (2 colours).   Drawing + a dash of watercolour: 40€ | 60€ | 90€ Shaded and detailed drawing in coloured pencils (1 or 2 colours). Background or details in watercolour. Extra character or additional background: +50% If portrait: +10€ because resemblance requires extra work Watercolour A5 | A4 Simple llustration: 70€ | 100€  Character painted in watercolours. Whi... Commission Info 2019 CLOSEDLuala Dy Traditional artWatercolour - Coloured Pencils - InkFairy Tale Fantasy - Portraits - Illustration Paypal Coloured Pencils A6 | A5 | A4 Sketches: 20€ | 30€ | 50€ Line sketch (1 colour)    Drawing: 30€ | 50€ | 80€ Shaded and detailed drawing (2 colours).   Drawing + a dash of watercolour: 40€ | 60€ | 90€ Shaded and detailed drawing in coloured pencils (1 or 2 colours). Background or details in watercolour. Extra character or additional background: +50% If portrait: +10€ because resemblance requires extra work Watercolour A5 | A4 Simple llustration: 70€ | 100€  Character painted in watercolours. Whi...

Love, LualaDy


:iconcollaborativeminds: :iconourdreamswillcome:

Skin by UszatyArbuz
Luala icon by TheNaughtyFish
Background texture by LualaDy
Star bullet by MomentaryUnicorn
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SinistrosePhosphate's avatar
Looks very good to me! 
Best of luck with your business venture! :w00t: