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Welcome to my World feature n350
Personal News
February and our birthdays.
Hi friends, that time of the year where my birthday comes close is here, and as usual I need to talk to you.
first of all, some of you may already know, I have a little bit of trauma around birthdays, they scare me, for various reasons. However, thanks to you guys, I have learned to like mine a little bit more, and even look forward to it!
second: I really appreciate your gifts, but I have to tell you about my pet peeve, and it will make both of us unhappy, so you must know: unless I gave explicit permission, I do not want my photos to be translated into paintings/drawings, like a study. So yeah, that's the one thing I'm asking you not to do.
third and most important, it's not only my birthday it's also MISTER'S BIRTHDAY!!!! His is on the 19th and he's 2 years older than me. But but butt, February is also when we met, so the whole month is just us celebrating us. Valentine's day is the cherry on top. So yeah, if you like our photos, keep
Welcome to my World feature n349
Personal News
Here's what I shared since last time!
Mostly knitting and crochet.
I made this "photographer set" for Mister, so he can be less frozen when we take photos in the cold, but still use his fingers.
I finished my huge fluffy unicorn barf cardigan, but didn't get to take fancy photos yet.
I might also feel slightly better than last time.
From my collections!
Watchers Feature
Friendly Feature
Featuring art from friendly suggestions. You can also participate by sharing art in the comments (see down below).
Luala needs you
I'm always taking suggestions for the "friendly feature" section.
/!\ I need A LOT of suggestions. /!\
Share as much as you want, but for each piece you share from your own gallery, please balance it with a piece from someone else: from your favs or from your friends' galleries.
Try to suggest art from active deviants (active within the last month), max 999 favs.
Keep in mind these are suggestions and I will pick those I like. So
Welcome to my World feature n348
Personal News
Here's what I shared since last time!
literature: still going on with Mio's story
crafts: finished the crochet shawl
photos: tried photoshooting said shawl, failed miserably, still decides to share the results with you because you like seeing me suffer + edited an old flower pic
I am also most probably depressed again, or smth like that.
From my collections!
Watchers Feature
Friendly Feature
Featuring art from friendly suggestions. You can also participate by sharing art in the comments (see down below).
Luala needs you
I'm taking suggestions for the "friendly feature" section.
/!\ I need A LOT of suggestions. /!\ Because I want to feature active deviants, sometimes between the moment I accept a suggestion and the moment I want to feature it, the artist became either temporarilly or permanently inactive on DA. So even though I currently have 75 pieces in my collection, the moment I try to set up a feature, I might remove 5-6 from the
Welcome to my World feature n347 (Happy New Year)
Personal News
Here's what I shared since last time!
last year I knitted an extention for this thrifted dress and we finally got around to take photos of it! The aftermath of the demolition (there was a structure that was leaning towards the river) left us with some amazing backdrops!
I finally edited the scans of some huge watercolour textures I made a while ago
And the cherry on top: I am STILL writing Mio's story, so yay for one thing I haven't abandonned yet!!!
From my collections!
Watchers Feature
Friendly Feature
Featuring art from friendly suggestions. You can also participate by sharing art in the comments (see down below).
Luala needs you
I'm taking suggestions for the "friendly feature" section.
/!\ I need A LOT of suggestions. /!\ Because I want to feature active deviants, sometimes between the moment I accept a suggestion and the moment I want to feature it, the artist became either temporarilly or permanently inactive on DA. So even though
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Looks very good to me!
Best of luck with your business venture!
Best of luck with your business venture!