Watercolour Plastic Wrap Texture PackLualaDy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lualady/art/Watercolour-Plastic-Wrap-Texture-Pack-683486473LualaDy

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Watercolour Plastic Wrap Texture Pack



Watercolour on paper, A5 (x4)

The pack contains 4 (four) seperate png files about 1600*2200px each


Plastic wrap and earthy tones (kinda), as suggested by TokyoMoonlight.
I did have fun choosing the colours, though they didn't all turn out great.
My favourites are the first 2, yours?

I'm still open to suggestions (kinda need to paint textures, see below), just check the poll on my profile!

Creating these textures is very therapeutic.
I never tell, but.. I'm still sick... I saw a therapist yesterday (for several reasons) and she said my depression is still kindaaaaa bad.
It's true... I'm just so eager for it to go away, that I believed not talking about it would make it go away...
I don't ask for pity, just understanding. I'm not an unreliable person, I'm not lazy... I'm just sick...
Yeah, sorry for the unhappy pargraph. I'm trying to make things better... I'm trying.

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Image size
2835x2234px 1.25 MB
© 2017 - 2025 LualaDy
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LesDessinsDeSoph's avatar
Superbe tes textures ! J'aime beaucoup la délicatesse de tes aquarelles :)