Favourite Visual Artist
Norman Rockwell
Favourite Movies
Lion King, Jurassic Park, Constantine, Underworld, Tremors, Army of Darkness, Monty Python's Holy Grail, The Prestige, Lilo & Stitch...
Favourite TV Shows
Futurama, Invader Zim, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Lilo & Stitch, Beetlejuice, Ahhh! Real Monsters, House, Supernatural, Firefly, Dexter, Burn Notice, Star Trek: The Next Generation...
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Boston, Styx, Zeromancer, The Birthday Massacre, Chevelle, Three Days Grace, Rise Against, Evanescence, Oomph!, BUSH...
Favourite Books
Hitchhiker's Guide "Trilogy", Starship Titanic, Christine, The Eyes of the Dragon, Dune, Logan's Run trilogy, Doom series (based on the original id game), H. P. Lovecraft stuff, Edgar Allan Poe stuff...
Favourite Writers
Edgar Allen Poe
Favourite Games
Anything Metroid (Super Metroid FTW), Ultimate Doom, Guild Wars 2, Mass Effect, MotorStorm, Half Life, Elder Scrolls, Portal, Champions Online...
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, Dreamcast, SNES. But I own everything new and old. O.o
Tools of the Trade
Woodless pencils, and Prismacolor markers
Other Interests
Wolves, Sharks, Dragons, Big Cats, JP Velociraptors