Peonylspmonny on DeviantArt

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© 2022 - 2025 lspmonny
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TigerEgern's avatar

I have noticed, that some people here on DA are less than enthusiastic about AI art. I think I have a different approach. If a picture is beautiful, I enjoy it. If it is thoughtful and provokes me to reflect on a matter, an issue, or on what it means to be human, I reflect. Some times, I write short or long scribbles as comments to pictures. I just enjoy to scribble, and I hope that those who upload pictures do it, because they enjoy it.

I reserve the right to . . . just look at something and find it beautiful, without spending any time or effort to criticize how the picture was made. You, my fellow deviant, upload beautiful pictures, so I enjoy looking at them - and just to demonstrate that, I press the like button. It'll be ages before my financial situation allows me to pay for a work of art, but that doesn't mean, that I think that art should be free. I'm just to broke ass poor to pay. For the time being.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures and I wish you all the luck with selling some of them :clap: