Drawing and Coloring TutorialLPDisney on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lpdisney/art/Drawing-and-Coloring-Tutorial-198586392LPDisney

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Drawing and Coloring Tutorial



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*EDIT* Please see Panel 4 about Cleanup. A couple of weeks ago, while working on a commission, I noticed that I forgot to mention that I duplicate the "Lines" layer to make the lines a bit thicker. Yes, this can work without duplicating, but I found that the illustration looks a bit better this way. Sorry it took me a while to fix this in the tutorial, life has been crazy... @_@


Yes... And that's why it takes me quite a while to create my art (and why I don't like coloring cause it's so much work...).

So.... I hope that answers most of your questions on how I work and such.

Please note that this is my latest work up to when I posted this tutorial, so this should reflect how I currently work. But I always find new tricks and improve my technique and style. What I'm trying to say is - EXPERIMENT! As Dee-Dee used to say "Oooo... What this button do?" always try to find new cool tricks to create effects and bring your artwork to the next level!

Also note that, although the general process is the same, the fine details do change from drawing to drawing. I sometimes use several Adjustment Layers, different brushes for effects, my lovely "Sun Flare", different Layer styles and on rare occasions even import it into After Effects for extra processing, etc.
But as I mentioned before - this IS the general way I work on my art, so feel free to take some ideas from this tutorial.


Special Thanks to :iconcallmemarle: for allowing me to use her commissioned OC Marron as a Tutorial sample.
Marle, you're the best!

FINAL ARTWORK: www.deviantart.com/lpdisney/ar…

Thank you for watching.
Your humble servant,


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CallMeMarle's avatar
Hiring Liron as an artist is one of the best investments you can do! She's professional, keeps you updated step-by-step, and delivers an amazing product. I will be hiring her again soon :)

Much love, Liron! Use my commissions any time for what you need :D