Hi there!
My name is Søren Friis Davidsen. I currently live in Denmark - Nykøbing Falster, and work as a multimedia designer. I have worked for over 5 years in the multimedia design industry. Mostly freelance. This website was started to inform you, to show my work, and to get feedback. On the page you will find info about me, about me work, who i've worked for, and contact info.
I'm a student here in Denmark, and in the summer 2011, im finishing my education. So i can call myself a graduated multimedia designer.
So far i've done a lot of 2D- and 3D-work, motion design, and other cool stuff. And im always searching for new scopes and challenges.
In my free time, I enjoy being creative, music is one of my big, big passions. I have played drums for almost 10 years, and I'm still doing it. I love a good movie, as long as it's well-thought, on that spot director Christopher Nolan is my big idol. (The Dark Knight, Inception, ect...) I love to come up with stories and concepts myself, doing stuff nobody else have done. I wanna touch people with the work that i do, whether it's 3D, sounds, video or all together.