Polysexual Pride Stamplovemystarfire on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lovemystarfire/art/Polysexual-Pride-Stamp-448304011lovemystarfire

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Polysexual Pride Stamp



A person who's gender identity is non-binary and who is sexually, romantically, or emotionally attracted to others regardless of their gender identity.

Community Web Resource ohyeahpolysexual.tumblr.com/
Image size
103x62px 6.44 KB
© 2014 - 2025 lovemystarfire
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Jewlia-dono's avatar
I'm not sure if this has been said before, but polysexual does not equal exclusively non-binary genders and it does not mean attraction regardless of their gender identity. It means to be attracted to more than one gender. I could elaborate if you want.