Chrysalis 1.1louisly on DeviantArt

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louisly's avatar

Chrysalis 1.1



UPDATE : I added a 12h-format clock, I don't really like it as of now so I'll get back to it asap (probably tomorrow, this upsets me)

Here's a layout I made based on the artwork for Chrysalis, a song by Protostar and Draper. It's not entirely customisable (you're gonna have to edit the skin to change the launchers), but if you need icons just hit me up, I'll make them for you (you'll have better chances if you contact me on Reddit : u/louisly).

Sorry if I'm not too active here, or if I didn't answer your request, I find deviantArt frustrating so I don't come on the website often. Feel free to hit me up on reddit though. 

Let me know what you think of this one!

The original song :…

The Wallpaper : (huge thanks to Protoaster for sharing it on reddit)

The Visualiser :…

I'll probably do more Monstercat-themed layouts, so stay tuned if you liked this one 
© 2017 - 2025 louisly
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DD-Snake's avatar
Any chance there is a way to remove the 12hr button that shows up under the clock?