LotusLumino on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lotuslumino/art/Outfit-design-221-223-closed-552967472LotusLumino

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LotusLumino's avatar

Outfit design - 221 - 223 - closed



Only the owner of the outfit (who bought it) is allowed to use it! 
Set price adopts, cause I am in need of money q___q

(Hats/Hoods/Headdresses never have to be used)

please read the info D: !

I only accept cash (paypal) This goes for each outfit

They cost 16 $ Each


Outfit 221 (left) - :iconraynecharna:

Outfit 222 (middle) - :iconreyivory:

Outfit 223 (right) - :icon2drewand:

Also please note, I will not put them on hold for longer than a day, you have to HAVE the money when the auction ends !!!!!!!!

other outfit(s) on sale:
Outfit design - 215 - 216  - closed by LotusLumino

Please, do NOT post or share it anywhere without my permission, no pinterest no facebook etc...unless you are the owner! 

!! Rules:
 No reselling or claiming that you drew the original design/drawing + please credit me when needed 
Do NOT change the design, this includes colors, shapes , everything. You can of course add things as your character might do it but otherwise, if you know you will want to change the color or something about it, don't bid.. thank you <33333333
Also, if you bid make sure to Have the money actually.
I don't want people to change their minds in the last minute : /

New: Since dA added this new feature, to allow people to hide their comments, if you bid and then hide it (and I see that you did bid earlier), I will automatically ban you from all my future auctions and adopt batches. 

Drawing (c) me
Image size
2170x1500px 640 KB
© 2015 - 2024 LotusLumino
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MOONWATCHER404's avatar

The outfit on the far right actually reminds me a lot of the new Star Stable Embermane ngl...