I'm just here cause I was told there would be cupcakes.
Current Residence: Ontario, Canada, Earth, Sol, Milky Way
Print preference: Whatever fits my wall
Favourite genre of music: Whatever sounds good
Favourite photographer: I've seen too many to pick
Favourite style of art: Celestial/Signatures/Traditional
Operating System: XP & W7
MP3 player of choice: Sandisk/Creative/Ericsson
Shell of choice: I don't wanna be a turtle!!!
Wallpaper of choice: My own Custom-Made ones
Skin of choice: Mine or yours, whichever fits
Favourite cartoon character: Peter Griffin & Homer Simpson
Personal Quote: You think it's like that, but then it explodes. & Rofl-Falaffal
Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Equilibrium, Saving Private Ryan, Rush Hour Series, Star Wars, Black Hawk Down, The Dark Knight & LOTR
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
I don't read too much :P
Favourite Games
Halo series, KOTOR, Assassin's Creed Series, COD(s), Splinter Cell(s), Rainbow Six(s), others
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360 / PC / N64 / PS3
Tools of the Trade
PS 7.0 & CS3 Extended, Apophysis 2.02 & 2.09, Image Ready, Pencils (Art and Lead), & The Mind
Other Interests
Interesting Things :O