Current Residence: Idaho Favourite genre of music: alternative Rock Favourite style of art: Black and White Favourite cartoon character: Gir and Spongebob Personal Quote: Sometimes the greatest accomplishments in life are helping other to succeed
Favourite Movies
Twilight The Princess Bride and Serenity and anything Jet Lee
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Three days grace and Sick puppies
Favourite Games
Metal Gear Sold 4
Tools of the Trade
Pen and Ink
Other Interests
writing poetry, stories, drawing, altering my clothes, watching anime, reading manga
Well in about 4 days I will be on my way to Hawaii. Can't wait going to have lots of pics to post when I get back hope you will all take a look at them. I will be leaving my puppy behind for 11 days and I'm going to worry about him the whole time. Hope everyone has a good time well I'm gone will see most of you when I get back
:iconKuragari75: and I want to do a unrestricted cosplay dance to Adam Lamberts song "for your entertainment" But we want some other people to do the dance with us. We are doing a final fantasy cosplay so we need people cosplaying the characters from there. Let me know if you might be interested. But you need to have the time to practice and really want to do it. Look up the music video of this song to see the kind of thing we might be doing. haha
Well I'm really excited because when I get my tax returns I'm going to take my money and get the tattoo I have been wanting. On my right arm I'm going to get the Remnants symbol from our brown coats ship tattooed on me. I can't wait I have several others planed but until I get my money I can't get them. I am hoping by next year to have them. Then there are going to be some pics posted on our :iconbackwater-browncoats: page. Of my characters Captain Alice Rain. With her tattoos of her ship. Man I can't wait. Wish me luck.
Hello, I can tell from your gallery that you enjoy taking photos of animals. is the group for you. You can submit any type of animal/insect photography that you would like. If you don’t want to join that’s all right. Have a good day!