lostbooks's avatar


James Koehnline, Librarian
221 Watchers391 Deviations

Prologue to World War III by lostbooks, literature

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The Book of the Future by Inazuma-desu, literature

E for Epilogue by danevilparker, literature

A Collective Realization by bottomofastairwell, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (6)
My Bio
Current Residence: Anywhere
Operating System: Hand and Eye, sometimes Bespectacled
Shell of choice: Hardcover
Wallpaper of choice: Marbled
Skin of choice: Paper

Favourite Gaming Platform
The Mind
Tools of the Trade
Printing Presses, Writing Instruments
Other Interests
Many and Diverse
Please disregard the phrase above. I don't know how to get rid of it. This very fine gallery has been neglected for over a year because I have moved on to other things. If you have any interest in reviving it, running it, turning it into a group endeavor, or in any way carrying on the project I started please let me know. You can change it however you like to make it your own, but I would hope that the gallery up to now would remain and be added to. If no one steps up, I will just leave it sitting here for the foreseeable future. WHAT IS THE LOST BOOK CLUB AND MUSEUM? It is a gallery of fragments, both text and image artifacts, connected b
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NEW CONTEST: THE BOOK OF THE FUTURE In honor of our museum's 300th acquisition, and leading up to our first anniversary, I am announcing a new contest, open to all, on the theme THE BOOK OF THE FUTURE. This can be interpreted any way you like. It could be a mysterious book that comes to us from the future, or a book of speculations and predictions about the future of books and literacy, in particular, or the future in general, or any other way you care to look at it. This time I would like to encourage text entries, fiction or non-fiction, as well as visual art. Prizes will include a fine print of your choice from my Lost Book images, and
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:thumb70168395::thumb70168481::thumb70168610: Lost Book Finds Use in Real World First of many, I suspect. :thumb77863678: The winner of our DREAM BOOK CONTEST, is ~mjdaluz (https://www.deviantart.com/mjdaluz), with her Key to Imagination: :thumb75208098: WHAT IS THE LOST BOOK CLUB AND MUSEUM? It is a gallery of fragments, both text and image artifacts, connected by a common theme: The Deconstruction and Reimagining of Books and Book Culture in our Post-Literate Age. EXAMPLES: Fragments of ancient texts in forgotten languages, scientific & technical illustrations from unknown sciences and technologies, false starts of books, covers or title pages for non-existent
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Profile Comments 156

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Happy Birthday!
*Dances around wildly and almost missed the shelf*
*Slinks away again*
Sorry to have abandoned this club. My 20th century loner brain became dangerously overloaded by 21st century social media some time ago, so I took a long break. For the moment I have only returned to let you know where I can be found, for those who might want to find me. I have just started a blog at [link] in order to have a public place to work on my latest obsessions.
I promise to be far more responsive to the few who visit me there - and you might find it interesting. Wishing all the best for all of you.

James 119
OK, so I have been watching the group for a while now and you're on my friends list. How do I choose to be a donor and what's next?
i was always thinkin that my drawings are missing book covers or illustration for forbbiden books..have loots of inspiration:)
Happy Birthday!
*Dances around wildly until a shelf gets knocked over*
*Slinks away*
can somebody please let me know if James is coming back ?? what has happened ?? do you have any news ??
I'd like this club to be a GROUP, lots of persons are so interested in it.... It's one of the best clubs in DA

is the Club of the lost Books still alife ... cos the journal entry from James Koehnline dates back to june this year. I´m interested in joining and submitting to the club once in a while cos im a surreal book lover!
