American Republiclostamongstshelves on DeviantArt

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lostamongstshelves's avatar

American Republic



I decided to use the American flag as the basis for the American Republic and keep the red stripes to represent the blood shed during World War IV and surround it by thinner green stripes. The green signifies the diminishing jungle and forests in this country. With the modernization and future technology, I'd predict deforestation to be a prevalent crisis in this part of the world. Therefore, the scarce greenery would be symbolized in this portion of the flag.

In the upper left hand corner I used a design featuring the Republican symbol of the elephant with a raised trunk for luck. The three stars above the elephant represent the former individual nations (The United States, Mexico, and South America) that have joined into one country. Surrounding the elephant are three forms of plant life: the olive branch, palm leaf, and exotic Mexican cactus flower.

The olive branch is a common American symbol for peace, the cactus flower is a Mexican plant life showcasing beauty, and the palm leaf is a South American plant life meaning triumph and victory. Together they form a ring around the elephant to represent the unity of this country and its support of the Republican form.
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