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Let's Talk Mental Health and Importance of Sleep
Today, January 25th, is Bell Canada's "Let's Talk" day. A day to talk to friends, family, strangers, about mental health and things that are both going wrong and going right. Here and now, I open myself up to any and all conversations regarding mental health. If you have anything that you want to say, feel free to leave a comment, send a note, or track me down somewhere else and send me a message there. I'm more than happy to be a listening ear.So, Let's Talk. About Sleep Personally, I have struggled with mental health for a long time. Depression's probably been my longest battle, but I've worked through that (at least, I hope I have). My ...
Hello to our loyal members who haven't heard from us in forever. You've probably figured out by now that this is an inactive group. However, that is not to say we are doomed to be inactive forever! If you are interested in posting regular (or irregular) issues (sets of words) as prompts, then send us a note and we'll add you to the group admins and show you the ropes.If you write something from one of the existing prompts, feel free to submit it to the gallery, I will be checking (somewhat regularly) to approve submissions and sort them.Apologies for the inconvenience,
Dictionary Hiatus
A pologies to all who assume that a weekly posting will be posted... well... weekly. I have come to the conclusion that, after 3 years of running this group and posting the Dictionary Entries (and a 3 year silent hiatus), the real problem with staying on time is me. I apologize for not posting for so long and I apologize for not telling you why. As of now, the DeviantART Dictionary is dead. If you are interested in taking up the mantel of weekly posts for this group, please send me a note (I'm still here, in some capacity). I will happily add you to the group admins and show you the ropes. (Keep in mind, this is no easy task and most entri...
Let's Talk Mental Health
Mental health is something we don't talk about often enough. This will be long, but I hope you'll read it. When we're in physical pain or we have an injury, we share it with our friends and family. When we're in mental pain or crisis, we keep it to ourselves. As much as we want to believe that there's less stigma around mental health, it's still hard to talk about. The first step in dealing with the stigma is talking about it and breaking the barrier.In the last year, I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about the mental health system here in BC. I shared my journey with a select few people and did my best to hide it from the res...
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