
3 min read

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lost-angle's avatar


I got back from the ski trip, safe and sound. Long story short, I learned how to snowboard, almost (I can't get onto my toe edge, but don't worry, I can turn because I don't have a preferred front foot). The grads in my class drink, party, and do drugs a lot more than I realized (though not more than I really expected). The two hills we went to were fun, I liked staying in hostels (new experience). I fell too many times too hard onto my knees and both are bruised, the left worse than the right, walking is difficult. Now I need to get caught up on my work and I'll be fine! Oh, I'll be posting pictures with a bit more description in the near future.

Just a warning, I might not be on as often as usual from now on, my school work is suffering, as strong as my good intentions are to do my homework...

LESS THAN 100 pageveiws LEFT until my 6000! Catch the screenshot of the number and you win a free commission :D (same rules as always apply) Congrats go to MigeYeFoxe for catching the screenshot.


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