lorii-fabulous12's avatar


3 Watchers51 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Photography
  • Puerto Rico
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (7)
My Bio

Current Residence: Puerto Rico
Favourite genre of music: Indie Rock/Electronic/Experimental music
Operating System: MAC OS X 10.6.4
Personal Quote: Motivation is what you need in life to keep going on.

Favourite Visual Artist
Audrey Kawasaki, Elizabeth Mcgrath
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Warpaint, Florence + The Machine

Profile Comments 17

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Thank you very much, for the favorite!
Thank you so much for the support! Don't forget to check out the rest of my gallery and/or leave a comment! XD
Lorenaaaaaa mi amor! Yo no sabias que tu tenias deviantART. Yo veo esa foto y como que la conocia haha. Me encantan tus fotos, estan brutales! Hace tiempo no hablamos chula espero que estes bien. Te cuidas, Love ya!

Oh, Thanks for the Fave! xD
Abdieeeeeeeeeeeeeel :D Tanto tiempoo!! Que bueno saber de ti y gracias por lo de las fotoss! I appreciate that. Y pues supuse que tenias una cuenta, y te encontré para ver tu work que me gusta mucho :) ... Love ya too! .. A ver si te comunicas de vez en cuando :D
Hey! :iconcocowaveplz: Thank you so much for the :+fav:, I really appreciate it! :iconpinklilyplz::icongreengrinplz:
thank u for fave :)