lorellashray on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lorellashray/art/Maze-Runner-394873062lorellashray

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lorellashray's avatar

Maze Runner



On tumblr: lorellashray.tumblr.com/post/5…

Recently read James Dashner's amazing Maze Runner trilogy and i just loved it so much. i had to draw something for it and i know i'll draw more, especially with the film coming out in 2014 with Dylan O'brien as Thomas. awww yiss! perfect casting.

for those who have not read/heard of the books, they are dystopian novels with a similar feel to hunger games. i can't say much without spoiling them but they keep you guessing the whole way through and are honestly so addictive! i couldn't put them down! if you like the Hunger Games, Divergent or just dystopian fiction in general these books are a must read!

also if you live in britain you can get all 3 of the books for £4 from "the works" shop. 3 awesome books for £4.. just saying!

casually throwing adverts in your face. ayy ayy.

Photoshop CS6
The Maze Runner (c) James Dashner.
thank you for existing Mr Dashner you wonderful human you.
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1908x1080px 1002.33 KB
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AphelionMars's avatar
This rough, simplistic style conveys motion so well, it's just perfect! *o*