Lordwormm on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lordwormm/art/ALLSTAR-Homage-DA-OC-s-140952653Lordwormm

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Lordwormm's avatar




An homage to an old All-Star Squadron comic by DC, using some of your fellow Deviant Artists' greatest original characters!.

I have tried to credit all with their OC's correctly, let me know if i screwed up!

:iconspinomania: 's Purple Sentinel, :icondan-sch: 's The Fowl and :iconphitus: 's Fuck-Man thumb through photos of potential heroes with whom to team-up!

Whit by :iconqueenbex:
Dark Swift by :iconnivek2:
Mister Liberty by :iconjerrykimbro:
Gadget Imp by :iconjacobdobson:
Lord Wormm by :iconlordwormm:
Secret Sumo by :iconlordwormm:
Zakksis Delrok by :iconh12hardcore:
Dead Baby Lad, P.I. by :iconlordwormm:
Rubber Bug by :iconspinomania:
Silver Sabre by :icongaston:
Flea Market Ninja by :iconhartter:
Jack Mannequin by :iconbabbitman:
Afro-American by :iconfallenson75:
Firegirl by :iconcelamowari:
Captain Cheesehead by :iconhawanja:
Supa-Dude by :iconstegoceras:
Tofu-Man by :iconorlyman:
The Dot by :iconferwar:
Joyblood by :iconmattcrap:
Arrowhead by :iconswyattart:

AND The Pest by :iconmonsterfink:
Image size
1776x2382px 752.5 KB
© 2009 - 2024 Lordwormm
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jerrykimbro's avatar
Oh I am so delighted with this art for so many reasons! The most important is Mister Liberty- a third string pariotic hero at best- finally getting on a Superhero team!

But also because I collected the entire All Star Squadron series for ten years! and have that original comic book somewhere- and the cover is why i started collecting the series. So you brought back happy memories And honored me in a most wonderful way! Thank you! Thank you!