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Chapter 27- I wanna do it from there!



All characters belong to me in this chapter

Vee and the two brothers walked over to the outskirts of the forest, ready to start their flying lesson. "Hold on!" Wonder called out running out of the forest.
"What is that?" Sparks asked, slightly sarcastically. Wonder trotted happily towards her brothers.
"It's my wings!" She proudly answered. Showing a pear of wooden wings with leafs for feathers. "Do you like them, dad?" She asked jumping around "Shady, helped me make them!" She added. Sparks looked up at his dad with a confused look.
"Heh, it's really cool, Wonder! They look nice" Vee said, complimenting her. "OK, let's get started!" He added walking towards a flat bolder with a little stone step leading to it. "Who wants to go first?" He asked, when Sparks threw his hoof up, jumping at the bit to go.
"Me! Oh, me, me, me!"
"Heh, OK, OK calm down, son heh, come on up!" Vee said patting his hoof on the bolder, as Sparks climbed up the step to get on. He starts to flutter her wings frantically, while jumping up and down.
"Heh, there is much more to flying, than just flapping your wings up and down" Vee explained lathing. "OK, let's just try a simple glide. Try, jumping off of this... And try to land, its OK if you stumble a little" he said, watching Sparks run up and jump off, he falls and falls on his front with a face full of dirt.
The other two burst out lathing, watching. Sparks lifted his head and yelled "Stop lathing! Like, you can do any better!" Standing up, regaining his footing. As he climbed up and fell again.
"OK, Sparks let your brother and sister have a go" Vee said watching Sparks jumping off the bolder.
"No, I can do it! Just watch!" He angrily said falling again.
"Come on, let them have a go" Vee repeated.

"Come on Comet, your turn!" Vee called out. Comet walked over to the bolder and climbed. "You going to glide?" Vee asked smiling, as Comet just shrugged his shoulders. "OK... Just when your jumping off, make sure your going with the wind and not fighting it, OK? Or you will just fall"
"Like Sparks did" Wonder said smirking, Sparks elbowed her in the leg as she said "hey!" She yelled, doing the same.
"Hey! That's enough!" Vee shouted. Comet jumped off and slightly glided he landed in front of Vee. "Whoa! Well done, Comet!"
"What? No, he was cheating!" Sparks yelled
"How can you cheat at flying?" Wonder said, confused.
"You, just can! Dad! I wanna go next!" Sparks yelled running towards Vee, nudging Comet out of the way.
"It's Wonder's turn, Sparks" Vee tolled him, lifting him up off of the bolder.
"She can't have a turn! She doesn't have wings!"
"Yes I do! See?" Wonder said, turning around.
"There not wings!"
"Yes they are!"
"There not!"
"They are!"
"Stop it!" Vee ordered "come on Wonder" he added, as she jumped up on the bolder and stopped in her tracks. "What's the mater?" Vee asked, concerned.
"It's a bit high" Wonder quietly, looking down.
"Don't worry, just take your time. It's OK to be scared for your first time" Vee said giving her a grin. He felt someone pulling on his leg, as he looked down Sparks looked up.
"Dad I want to have a go... Please" he begged with big eyes. Vee smiled "you will have your turn, after your sister" he answered, as Wonder stepped down.
"You can go Sparks, I'll go after" She said, looking worried, but gave him a little smile.
"Well ok... That's fine! Sparks come on up!" Vee said
"No, I don't want to go on there" Sparks said as he pointed up to a large Clift at the very top of the mountain. "I wanna do it from up there!" He explained.

Chapter 28: www.deviantart.com/lordofthefe…

Chapter 26: www.deviantart.com/lordofthefe…

Oof a larger chapter sorry for the reading buy, hope you still like it!
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