Lazy BumLordOfDragons on DeviantArt

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Lazy Bum



Some days ago on a train ride I had this idea for one hell of a lazy dragon... you know... one of the reeeeaaaallly lazy ones :P . I finished up the skin for the in-game dragon ( (c) Project Epsylon ) remaining only a few tidy ups ( but nothing changes on the skin anymore ) and put him into the right pose. I first had in mind to place him chilling around in a tree top but somehow a sky-scraper suddenly came in and took off for the win. Finding an image as texture had been though a problem and if I find a better one I'm going to re-render this one.

So looking at it I got the idea to turn this into a wallpaper. After all it suits well. You can download the full version as your desktop wallpaper if you want but don't even think about claiming this for your own... I'm gonna find you and burn your house ^.=.^

This image is (C) by my. The dragon ( Sean ) is (C) Project Epsylon.

EDIT: Some additional views at [link]
Image size
1680x1050px 1.02 MB
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skykunthedragon's avatar
Ohne scheiß wenn ich so gut wäre wie du... einfach beeindruckend.

Ich bin relativ schlecht in Blender.