LordOfDragons on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lordofdragons/art/Epsylon-Promo-264954271LordOfDragons

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Epsylon Promo



Long time no commit related to the game. Tried to make a promotional shot of the main characters and some scenery props I'm working on (or are already done). Features Georgo Valentino and Sean. For those not knowing the project Georgo is a private investigator and Sean a child female dragon he somehow got mixed up with. She sports though some abilities which are useful for cracking the case that otherwise would be impossible to solve. That she's a child though doesn't always help the case. She can be anxious at times but on the other hand she's quite nosy.

Game assets (high resolution versions) rendered with Blender 2.6 . More about the "train" (renders and so forth) later on.

Epsylon Game: [link]

EDIT: Updated the image with an improved version dealing with lighting issues caused by a stray duplicate light source I overlooked, tweaking the reflection using another train and buildings as well as tweaking a bit the specular reflection on the actors.
Image size
1024x768px 251.08 KB
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Volt-The-Nightfury's avatar
This looks awesome! :D 

Sadly, I have a Mac. Not Linux or Windows ^^;