LordLuciola's avatar


KaneHide is my dirty pleasure~
459 Watchers342 Deviations
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (156)
My Bio
"When I ship, I ship hard."

Favourite Movies
Interview with the Vampire *-* aaaand The Dark Knight XDDD
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Rasmus!!!! (BTW: Lauri!!! Marry me!!!! *O*)
Favourite Writers
Anne Rice *love*
Favourite Games
Guitar hero III (vicio total ;_;)
Favourite Gaming Platform
X-Box 360 (por ahora...X3)
Other Interests
GaaLee, Writing, Reading, Yaoi
Wow! I don't know if anyone follows me anymore but it's been ages since I last updated anything in here D:I have 1,151 unread messages and I don't know how to keep up DDDD:But well, to those that still follow me (thank you!), I guess I can say I've been drawing again XPI will try to be more active, so I hope you enjoy it! Thanks!!
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Meeeh alright! I decided to give it a try, so i opened commissions. I don’t know if someone would want to (lol really) but here’s  my commission info  and rules and all that. Also, I don’t know if I’ll need to say it, but I won’t probably take more than 3 commissions at a time. So, if you’re interested, send me a note ^^ <3
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Well, yes, finally some good things have happened lately. The reason why I was being so upset and nervous this past week (my dad’s life being in danger, though thank god he’s good now) is done now, so I feel like I can breathe a little bit easier. I’m still shaken up a little bit but I also know it will get better eventually, so I think I will be able to start drawing again anytime soon. That’s the good news. The not so good news (though this made me really happy as well) is that I found a new job (which I love), so I probably won’t have a lot of free time to draw OTL but I will try my best :) And last but not least, I just wanna thank you...
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Profile Comments 869

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Hey there.:icononionhiplz:
I am here to wish you a happy b-day.PartyHave your cake and eat it too:iconamericapartyhardplz::iconfeelingfreeplz::iconlawooplz::iconpresentplz::iconpinklilyplz:
I hope all your dreams and wishes come true.:iconbrightfutureplz:
I really wish i had words to incentive you,but i don't know what to say.Words don't seem to be enough today.But i will try my best,cause i wanna show all my support for you.Here it goes nothing.
Life has its ups and downs but we are the ones who decide if we'll continue to be on the ground or if we are gonna get up and try walking again.Its okay to make mistakes,that's how we learn right?They hurt,i know,but still,we can learn from from the fall.So don't give up,even if everything seems hopeless and there seems to be no way out of the dark,keep looking for the light,i am sure you will find it in the most unusual places.
Hey there.:icononionhiplz:
I am here to wish you a happy b-day.PartyHave your cake and eat it too:iconamericapartyhardplz::iconfeelingfreeplz::iconlawooplz::iconpresentplz::iconpinklilyplz:
I hope all your dreams and wishes come true.:iconbrightfutureplz:
Even if everything seems like its not gonna get better or when the world seems like a dark place,remember that you are the only one who can make a light shine and show you the way to the path you wanna walk in.
Its okay to depend on other some times.But there will be times where you will have to fight your battles on your own,but the people that support and love you will be there to give you strength to keep fighting.
So don't give up!Cause you can do it!
I am here to wish you a happy b-day.PartyHave your cake and eat it too:iconamericapartyhardplz::iconfeelingfreeplz::iconlawooplz::iconpresentplz::iconpinklilyplz:
I hope all your dreams and wishes come true.:iconbrightfutureplz:
Be confident of your skills,don't ever give up on anything.Fight for what you believe in! Don't let others decide your path for you.And always love yourself.
Get up if you fall and try it again if you failed!:iconallrightplz:
I finally found you! I've seen your art around, but I couldn't find your page! You do such beautiful work, thank you so much for sharing it! :heart:
I am here to wish you a happy b-day.PartyHave your cake and eat it too:iconamericapartyhardplz::iconfeelingfreeplz::iconlawooplz::iconpresentplz::iconpinklilyplz:
I hope all your dreams and wishes come true.:iconbrightfutureplz:
Hmmm...its hard to express my wishes for you. Cause its not just today that i wish you have a great day and that you be happy or healthy. And not just that,but i wish that you get stronger every passing day,cause sometimes we fall in our lives and things are hard to handle sometimes and is on those times that we need strength the most. So i wish that in those moments you will be strong and pull through any trouble that comes your way.
Hey! I don't know if you'll remember me, but I am Mey, that used to write about GaaLee and we talked on MSN years ago ahh