Current Residence: Portugal
Favourite genre of music: Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Drum´n´bass, Espanish/Flamenco guitars.
Favourite style of art: Surreal painting, Melodic Death Metal, Nature.
Olá Lordigan, eu produzo musica e qeria convidar-te a ouvires no meu canal do Youtube e se possivel dares a tua opinião. Se gostares por favor subescreve ao canal para ajudares a que a minha musica chegue a mais gente. Muito obrigado!
welcome to the Digital Freeway. Thank you so much for accepting our invitation and becoming a member. We hope you will enjoy the group and it's activities.
Beautiful gallery. I really enjoyed visiting and seeing your outstanding artwork.
Such happy, cute artwork.😄 have you ever thought about doing some My Little Pony art? Or maybe some Disney fan art?💕
Absolutely outstanding gallery. I hope you enjoy any of my work I'd be honoured 🐒
Loving Doc Strange I really Knew who that was! Shub is so cool!