LordGengar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lordgengar/art/Team-Rainfall-Collab-TalesofTabira-612121262LordGengar

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Team Rainfall: Collab [TalesofTabira]



A team collab with :iconnumbuh1234:
Last Update: 9/5/2017

Serene the Ralts

Serene is a normal Ralts, expecting to evolve soon as her hairstyle has similar style Kirlias have, red eyes, a horn on her forehead and a second, tiny horn on the back of her head. Because of her small and childish demeanor, she is sometimes mistaken as a child which she sometimes uses to her advantage or humour. A friendly and kind individual, prone to trust strangers rather easily and does not enjoy hostility. Serene is physically weak and has a lack of control over her psychic powers which leads to some strong blasts, but has good control over her healing move. Overall, Serene is an easy-going and open-minded Ralts that cares much about her friends, family and others around her.

Serene had always wanted to be a hero in her own way, her forte was healing and wanted to be like a healing, support team member. However due to her small frame and mistaken for being a kid, she isn't taken seriously and eventually she ends up becoming a volunteer for a patient who eventually becomes her partner; the two creating a team later on.

Recently, she has finally gotten her wish and evolved into a Kirlia during the time of Intermission 4

Sarah the Goomy

 A hyperactive and loud Goomy, unable to sit still for long before bouncing around uncontrollably. Water always attracts and excites her, making her even more energetic than ever. She has the average features of most Goomys with their huge mouths and round body.

Chapter 3: fav.me/da7ohop (Earned 6 Favour)
Intermission 3: fav.me/dadzmv5 (Earned 1 Token of Reputation)
Chapter 4: fav.me/dav8lxo (Earned 1 Favour & Swamp Net)
Intermission 4: fav.me/db3x8ou (Earned 1 deed to property for Fever Flats)
Intermission 5: fav.me/dbah30s (Earned Mood ring)

------Other Stuff-------

Written app: fav.me/da30tw8


2 Artisans rep, 5 Keepers rep, 1 Scholars rep

Image size
1025x1927px 1.43 MB
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