LordGengar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lordgengar/art/Team-Post-Mortem-App-TalesofTabira-620282686LordGengar

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Team Post-Mortem App [TalesofTabira]



Algor Mortis:

Algor Mortis is a snarky and sometimes demeaning ghost, unintentionally being a jerk. He is quite the drama queen, exaggerating his reactions sometimes when he is in a good mood but tends to keep to himself in public. Like other ghosts, he hates bright light as it hurts his large eyes and prefers cold areas. 

Being a ghost without any limbs, he does enjoy using his poisonous abilities and crippling abilities which take advantage of status effects.

Brought to life through unknown reasons although apparently told that it was natural, Algor is a ghost looking to gain enough reputation and power to become a much more 'successful' and 'better' person than he was before although he has not shared anything about his personal history. He seems to remember his memories from his previous life and does not have amnesia.

More to come soon~


Chapter 3: Hit and Run: fav.me/da9bgxw

Intermission 3: A difficult debriefing: fav.me/dabxbfz

2 Trackers rep and 1 Artisans rep


Intro: fav.me/da97uqw

Starry Dye


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1025x1927px 1.22 MB
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