LordCarnage666 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/lordcarnage666/art/Dark-Carnage-Black-Rainmeter-Skin-327810179LordCarnage666

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LordCarnage666's avatar

Dark Carnage - Black Rainmeter Skin



Dark Carnage is my first attempt to make a skin out of different parts. This skin is build as a lefthand sidebar for your desktop.

After installing the skin you can edit your settings such as email password and Google Calendar link in the settings/variable.inc file

The Windows theme used in the example picture is Crystal Gloss.

The start orb used is Token Orb Animated.

And last but not least the background, The Eternal Reaper-Colored wallpaper.

I like a clean background on my machine, so I use Fences Pro to keep my icons out of the way when I dont need them and a Dump fence to keep all icons off my normal desktop.

The Gmail skin and the media player are also stand alone available in my Gallery. Every .ini file has the original source specified.

The preview picture is made with LED Cinema Display and Red Smoke for the background there.

You can read a detailed install manual for the theme and skin on my personal blog. If you have questions or I messed something up let me know, this is my first skin for Rainmeter so there are bound to be mistakes ^_^

I would never have been able to do this without the work of these guys:
:iconrykennedyan: :iconpoiru: :iconkop4: :iconsiesie: :iconjlundberg: :iconomar6: :iconkingmoeha: :iconredmile: :iconhybridic: :iconnikifrank:
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CantarellaHelena's avatar
Esta Genial ¡¡¡¡MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!!