LordCarmi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lordcarmi/art/CENTARUS-crossing-the-taiga-1084772406LordCarmi

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September 5, 2024
CENTARUS crossing the taiga by LordCarmi
Featured by Ellysiumn
LordCarmi's avatar

CENTARUS crossing the taiga



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character study

People of Argon - Centarus Tribes

I'm continuing my fantasy OC setting exploring the region of Argon.

Centarus cross the steppes with their herds. A moving tribe covers a huge part of land, in depth and in width, usually the herds are lead separated from the main convoy, composed by the people: artisans, families with calves, old members, the bulk of the warriors and the rest of the tribe. The shepherds reunite their heads, marked with colours or collars, in a big herd, and collaborate defending the animals and leading them on safe paths.

The small animals like the Snowos or slow ones like the Slam-ox follow directly the wagons of the main convoy. The gatherers sift the near areas during the voyage, providing food and logs. The Hunters act also as tracker, exploring the surrounding paths and defending the herds by predators; also provide game for the rest of the tribe. Gatherers and hunters are very important during the migration due the herds are not slaughtered for meat. The meat is seasoned before the voyage and the wild wheat of the eastern steppes is grinded in the first days of Autumn.

If you appreciate what I draw and you don't want to miss any of my new art, pls consider supporting me on Patreon:



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© 2024 LordCarmi
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carlosgoldberg's avatar

Congrats on your DD!!