Current Residence: Australia, Victoria
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXL
Favourite genre of music: Anything but opera
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: iTunes
Wallpaper of choice: tigers, tigers, tigers...
Skin of choice: White Tiger Skin
Favourite cartoon character: Spiderman, Renamon, Vegeta, Cloud, Ninetales, Arcnine, Shadows the hegdehog
Personal Quote: You truly don't know someone unless you fight them!!
Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Too many 2 choice
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Anything that sounds good...
Favourite Games
Were to start...
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation3, XBOX 360, PSP
Tools of the Trade
A pair of eyes, and a Digital Camera in hand
Other Interests
AFL Footy, Soccer, Basketball, movies, fursuit, furry, computers, Cars, fighting & tigers