Lopoddity on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lopoddity/art/Mama-Twi-492849908Lopoddity

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Mama Twi


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rewardin’ myself for acing my spanish lit exam by drawing some snuggly precious perfect babies

Pandora was a fussy baby. She ate an astounding amount of food to fuel her incessant squirming, toddling about, random magical surges, random periods of levitation and phasing through walls, and squeaky vocalizations that were cute at first but will make you wanna chuck her off a cliff eventually

But baby draconequii also sleep a lot and Twilight rather enjoyed those little breaks from chaos

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1700x1146px 684.46 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Lopoddity
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angelstars20's avatar

so awwww I can't 🥺🥺✨️✨️💕👑