Was thinking the same as Vypor, but you said it well, marketing yourself is not that easy. There are ways to draw attention to yourself beyond portfolio only. One of the good ways of course is to make cool youtube tutorials and create an audience around it. But in my opinion, at the end of the day, it's about your work and the best way is to simply sit down and do as original design work as possible. The catch is to be different than most in the crowd, especially now when so many people are entering the industry and these games and movies are somehow becoming nothing but cool special effects with little to no storyline, same old shit over and over again, nothing but remakes and continuations. The lack of creativity and original ideas is obvious. Spending more time on design and trying hard to create something fresh and somewhat original will definitely pay off. I think Ben Mauro said it the best, make every single piece of design count... enjoyed the gallery man, great stuff, keep on! Cheers!