Awakening of the Egg Trial

6 min read

Deviation Actions

LoonianVault's avatar

Eggs by LoonianVault

This trial will allow you to hatch a Dormant Evoloon Egg or a Cold Companion Egg without the use of a Hatch Blanket. Prompts vary depending of which evoloon or companion you want to hatch.

General Rules

  • The artwork needs to be clean, colored and have a background with depth following our Background Rules.
  • You evoloon must follow the Visibility Rules.
  • The egg must always be shown, visible or partially visible.
  • You can hatch up to 4 eggs with the same artwork if you are hatching the same race of evoloon or the same type of companion. All eggs must be shown in the artwork.
  • If you are hatching more than 1 companion, all the evoloons receiving a companion must be in the artwork and must follow the visibility rules (otherwise, you will have to draw a trade artwork to transfer the companion).
  • You can group multiple artworks of this trial in the same deviation (like a comic). Each panel must follow all the rules.
  • The trial cannot be combined with any other activity.
  • This trial doesn't accept literature.


Dormant Egg

To hatch one of those evoloons, you need to have a Dormant Evoloon Egg in your treasury. You don't need to withdraw your egg before doing the trial, it will be done when you will submit your artwork for approval.

Chocolate: Show one of your evoloons covering the dormant egg with chocolate.

Elemental - Barkloon: Show one of your evoloons preparing a nest for the dormant egg in a tree. The nest can be on branches or inside a hole in the trunc. The egg must be seen somewhere.

Elemental - Gemloon: Show your evoloon caring for the dormant egg in a gem-encrusted cave from Spark Mountains (gems must be shown).

Elemental - Iceloon: Show your evoloon building an igloo or another snow/ice shelter for the dormant egg.

Elemental - Lavaloon: Show your evoloon warming the dormant egg with fire. The egg can be besides the fire or in the fire, but must still be visible.

Elemental - Windloon: Show your evoloon and the dormant egg at the top of a very windy mountain. Wind effect must be show in a way or another.

Paradise: Show your evoloon preparing a sand nest for the dormant egg on the beach. The egg must be shown.

Rainbow: Show your evoloon painting the dormant egg with at least one rainbow color. The transformation works better in a colorful environment.

Rainforest Frogloon: Show your evoloon preparing a lily-pad nest for the dormant egg in a pond (example: finding a huge lily-pad leaf to put the egg on it or grouping/tying lily-pad leaves together to make a cozy bed). The egg must be shown.

Safari: Show your evoloon preparing a nest for the dormant egg in a savanna. The egg must be shown.

Scaleloon: Show your evoloon preparing a small meal for the dormant egg. The egg must be shown.

Cold Egg

To hatch one of those companions, you need to have a Cold Companion Egg in your treasury. You don't need to withdraw your egg before doing the trial, it will be done when you will submit your artwork for approval.

Budge-Bee: Show your evoloon covering the cold egg with honey.

Crohst: Show your evoloon bringing the cold egg in a very creepy place.

Dragochick: Show your evoloon with the cold egg on a top of a mountain.

Firebutt Turkey Snail: Show your evoloon surrounding the cold egg with lit candles or mini-fires.

Flamibun: Show your evoloon build a nest made of pink feathers for the cold egg. The egg must be shown.

Frozeguin: Show your evoloon digging a hole in the snow for the cold egg. The egg must be shown.

Fuzzbuzz: Show your evoloon throwing fireworks or using Bengal lights for the cold egg. The egg must be shown.

Great-Horned Lion: Show your evoloon preparing a meat meal for the cold egg. The egg must be shown.

Humlizard: Show your evoloon preparing a dish of chocolate and/or sweets for the cold egg. The egg must be shown.

Mantakeet: Show your evoloon putting the cold egg into water.

Ottermander: Show your evoloon preparing a fish/seafood meal for the cold egg. The egg must be shown.

Owlfish: Show your evoloon preparing a nest of branches and seashells for the cold egg. The egg must be shown.

Pigeon-Bat (Pat): Show your evoloon building a birdhouse for the cold egg. The egg must be shown.

Squidchicken: Show your evoloon preparing a mini cave-like shelter for the cold egg. The mini-cave can be dug in the ground, assembled with rocks or can even be a turned over pot with a hole as a door (like a toad shelter). The egg must be shown.

Stone Dog: Show your evoloon building a doghouse for the cold egg. The egg must be shown.

Swanepillar: Show your evoloon building a nest for the cold egg near a river, a pound or a lake. The egg must be shown.

Toulon: Show your evoloon preparing a nest of leaves and flowers for the cold egg. Fruits can be added too. The egg must be shown.

Turkeysaurus: Show your evoloon preparing a coop for the cold egg. The egg must be shown.

Hatching Approval

Submit your artwork in the Awakening of the Egg Trial folder.

Comment on this journal and provide those informations:

Type of Evoloon or Companion:


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Making a Coco Bean!

Type of Evoloon: Chocolate Evoloon