My Stock Rules

4 min read

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LongStock's avatar

Rules and Conditions

:bulletred: Credit me and link back to my site.

:bulletred: LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU USE MY STOCK.  Send a note or leave a comment with a link to the finished deviation.

:bulletred:*I hereby grant all DeviantArtists permission to use my stock in any and all Deviant Prints without restriction*

:bulletred: Do not redistribute my images or claim them as your own.

:bulletred: Nothing pornographic,  racist nor discriminatory may be made with my stock.

Using Outside of dA

:bulletred:You may post artworks containing my stock on other websites on two conditions.
condition 1. A Stock credit is always displayed clearly near the image.

condition 2. I am to be shown all pages where my stocks have been used in any capacity.

:bulletred: My stock cannot be used commercially (don't sell anything you make with it) without my expressed written permission.

:bulletred: You don't have to ask before off-site use - just be sure to credit and link me.

:bulletred: Do not use my images as layouts or avatars, or as part of website design or logos without my expressed written permission.

Some requests and notes

:please:  This isn't a rule, but if you do use my stock and sell it as prints, I'd love to have one. :D

:bulletred:I'm going to start printing some of my favorite images for a personal book and I'd really appreciate it if you could send me a large format version of the art you've made.  Or a dA print. :)  I know most of you aren't selling what you create but if you've got the time, and the file, I'd love it if you would send me a copy.  Again, I won't be selling or showing them, it's just for me. And my family.  My mom gets a kick out of what you guys do. :)
You can send it to

:bulletred:  Hey, guys.  I've got a favor to ask you - If you're going to put the dA watermark on the full size view of a picture you've done using my stock, could you send me a copy of the file first?  I don't want to be a very demanding stock provider, but I save the images you make to a collection that I plan to print out someday and the giant watermark is pretty horrible. I only plan to do this with images featuring my stock, of course, and I totally understand the need for a watermark - but I would like a nice copy for myself. :) You can send the files to sidelongstock at gmail dot com.  Again, if you're not adding the dA watermark, don't worry about this.

:star:Backgrounds and textures are restriction free.  ONLY backgrounds and textures are restriction free and they are clearly labeled.  I'd still like to see what you do with it and I can add it to my faves, but it's not a rule.  Do whatever you want with the stuff. :D
All model and animal stock is copyrighted to me and you have to follow my rules if you plan to use it.</b>
Thanks very much!

© 2008 - 2025 LongStock
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brotherson34's avatar
hi could I use your stock for my book cover group please