Ace Combat: The Wolfpack Missions Character Sheetlonewolf3878 on DeviantArt

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Ace Combat: The Wolfpack Missions Character Sheet



Character sheet for the fanfic showing basic info and what their planes look like.

Edit: added Spot's new plane and Starlight Glimmer.

Credits :

Redwing's base is by :iconpunkypants: , and Serana and Alvinar by :iconedgeoffear: .


Rover - :iconzutheskunk:
Fido - :icontourniquetmuffin:
Spot -  :iconambassad0r:
Sunset's vector is by :iconpaulysentry: (it was the perfect look for it) , and finally Helia's cutie mark is by :iconchainchomp2: .
Lyra: :iconpirill-poveniy:
Bonbon: :iconfehlung:
Starlight: :iconpartylikeapegasister:

Everything else is by me.
Image size
3000x3675px 1.99 MB
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They remind me of the knights of the round table from the Belkan War, nice job on bringing back the MiG-23 dude, turns out there is someone out there who still wants to use forgotten planes c: