lonewolf3878's avatar


AKA Chrome Thunder
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My Bio


Chrome Thunder or Graywolf71

One look at my gallery and you might think "WTF?" . but the truth is there's several things i like to make. My primary art form is ink and pen (with black pencil and carbon paper thrown in) hand sketches. Mostly of trains, though i have tried some Ace Attorney art too. Painting isn't one of my strong points, especially on a computer since I only have a mouse and cheap photo programs (though as you can see it hasn't stopped me). I like to make custom models of trucks and warplanes, and of course custom My Little Ponies (and other horses). I guess it was something to do with the fact i was NUTS about horses when i was a kid. I'm also one of the many guys who have fallen victim to the new MLP-FiM show.

I also do some photography (again mostly of trains, but some weather shots also). I like both country and metal music. I consider myself a right leaning Libertarian. And though I'm usually nice, there's some times (like with certain subjects when they come up), this song describes me: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrgpZ0…

And here's another song that is fitting for a lot of people: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H-Y7M…

Nice job at nuking stamps Deviantart. Eclipse  stinks.

Outlaw Brony Stamp
80's Toys Stamp
Area00 Game Stamp
New Lunar Republic Air Force Animated Stamp
Peterbilt Stamp
Phoenix and Iris Stamp
VF-84 Jolly Rogers Stamp
VF-41 Black Aces Stamp
VF-1 Wolfpack Stamp
VF-142 Ghostriders Stamp
VF-111 Sundowners Stamp

  Mature Content  Mature Content  Mature Content

Current Residence: Kansas

Favorite genre of music: Hard rock, metal, and country

Operating System: Win XP home

Favorite cartoon character: Wildfire (from a 1980's cartoon of the same name)

Favourite Visual Artist
Howard Fogg
Favourite Movies
The Crow
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Alice Cooper
Favourite Games
Several, Incl the Phoenix Wright/Apolo Justice series
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Trains, model railroading, telephone insulators, horses, Nascar, tornadoes/storm spotting
After dodging her for 4 years with no mask wearing and only 1 dose of the shots (2021) and a booster (2022), I finally rolled snake eyes. It started Saturday with a bit of a sore throat and runny nose, by early Sunday morning I figured it was one of my upper respiratory infections coming on. I went to bed, only to wake up about 3 hours later with almost uncontrollable chills and a temp of 101. And I was out the whole day, ruining my plans to go to an Alice Cooper concert I had been planning all year. I took Tylenol and started shooting up on antihistamines, as it still seemed like a URI. Wound up sleeping most of the day. Soon dry coughs came on also. Monday I decided maybe I should be safe and got a home test kit, which gave me the bad news. Things did improve a bit Monday. The temperature didn’t get above 100 even without Tylenol. Tuesday I contacted the doctor and they gave me papers to excuse me from work, and also gave me the choice to try a prescription for that
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I now have a Roblox account (Chromethunder3878). Not sure if I'll try and create anything. The main reason I did was to play the storm chasing game "Twisted". Saw a few videos of it, and wanted to try it, being an actual storm chaser. It even has a newer version of my pickup in it (Silverado 1500). Speaking of storm chasing: Saturday the 27th, me and my two friends went down to SE Kansas to try and catch some tornadoes. We might have, except almost everything was rain wrapped. We were a few miles from one on the ground near Howard, but couldn't see it. At one point we tried following a line of chasers, but they drove into the heart of the storm towards the two areas of rotation (the main one then a smaller one). WE turned and got out though as the rain was too heavy and couldn't see anything, plus RadarScope showed the 2nd circulation was just to our north and we would've been in it. That was the only one we got a shot at. The season is still young, so there's likely to be more
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Another Update

0 min read
As I mentioned in a recent train image I uploaded, I recently got a used Nikon D800 DSLR camera, and a Nikon Nikkor AF-S 70-200mm lens. My goal was to have a camera that can take night photos, which means I also need the Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm lens. This is the best one for night shots with a D800, but like the other lens, even used ones aren't cheap, and it will be awhile before I can get one. For now I'm not going to use it much as it will take a lot of work to figure out how to operate it to it's fullest extent. And my other camera still beats it for now... aside from a dark spot that I have to edit out of most of my photos. One reason I can't get the lens yet is I'm saving money for my trip next month. I'm planning on going down to Arkansas with a friend to catch the solar eclipse (I'll probably be dead by the time the next one comes around), and some railfanning. I wanted to find a hotel in Russelville (in the total path), but all of the hotels there (and everywhere else
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Profile Comments 170

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Thanks for the birthday greetings everyone!

You have with your loved ones a Happy  Birthday and this year God fill you with blessings  and happiness my friend. =P:#1::airborne::airborne::airborne::cake::party::party::party::hug::huggle::happybounce::happybounce::cake:

Happy Birthday! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Um...hi ^^💧 do u do customized mlp requests ? I’m sorry for asking a dumb question 💧 :(


What colors of Blue and yellow did you use on your AWVR SD40-2?