Rise OtorilonerDemiurge on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lonerdemiurge/art/Rise-Otori-1139817906lonerDemiurge

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Rise Otori



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long story short, this is actually an old character. I can’t say for sure, but probably about six months or more ago, August and I brainstormed about our characters in the Made in Abyss universe. back then, it was just a very rough concept about a lone White Whistle and how some seeker ended up sticking with him. eventually, a rough story started to take shape - how she received the Abyss’ Blessing instead of its Curse, and so on. on her tail, she carries her whistle and the whistles of her squad, who perished. I can only add that she now lives in the Abyss alongside the White Whistle, the Mist Wanderer.

p.s. I hesitated for a long time, but ultimately decided not to lean into the kemono aka the canon style of Made in Abyss т-т because otherwise, she’d look way too loli...

original date of the drawing: 01.12.24

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3930x2838px 2.61 MB
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