Oriental Conky Widgetslondonali1010 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/londonali1010/art/Oriental-Conky-Widgets-142021693londonali1010

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londonali1010's avatar

Oriental Conky Widgets



Just another Conky Widgets screenie, this time with clock hands clockwise rings and counter-clockwise rings.
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1024x600px 983.9 KB
anonymous's avatar
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arktika13's avatar
I can not understand why you put the pictures only without giving the config text!
if everyone had the same opinion with you then the linux would have died long time ago!
The reason you do is to show that you know some things but keep it for your grave; It's a way to show that you too deserve something in this life;