[Close] YCH Auction: 172Lonary on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lonary/art/Close-YCH-Auction-172-840627836Lonary

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[Close] YCH Auction: 172



Pixel Rose Divider 2 - Black Pixel Rose Bullet - Black Pixel Rose Divider 2 - Black 
Does your character have a dark side?)

Panda Emoji (squee)  I N F O:
This is a "Your Character Here" Auction. If you buy this, I'll draw your character on this basis.

Panda Emoji (squee) R U L E S:
1. End date: 2 days after last bid 
2. PayPal only.
3. Payment must be made within 48 hours.
4. You will receive a drawing executed in color with your character.
5. Please (chain) bid under the featured comments.
6. The customer is allowed to present to someone.
7. The customer IS NOT ALOOWED: 
- to sell a drawing;
- to ask for a refund or exchange.

Panda Emoji (squee) F O R_B U Y E R:

I draw a human or a similar race!

1. You can choose any of your characters.


Finished YCH:

YCH Commision: 172 by Lonary
Image size
700x1000px 261.94 KB
© 2020 - 2025 Lonary
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light cherry blossom by DiegoVainilla Bid Here, please  light cherry blossom by DiegoVainilla