Comic 134: Internet Hate Mach.lolwebcomic on DeviantArt

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Comic 134: Internet Hate Mach.



Sorry about this one. It's pretty lame, and I really don't want this comic to turn into something like "Chan joke!" "Haha, another chan joke!" But it's the only thing I could think of without having to draw Leonidas with a gun.

Tuesday's coming, I've brought my coat, and I'm going to be spending about 40 bucks out of my Gen Con fund to pick up these two awesome movies.

Also, in case you haven't seen it already, I did a guest strip over at Cyanide and Happiness. [link] Surprisingly a bunch of people I know don't seem to like it, even though I included a 9/11 joke, a rainbow, and something that kills about 15,000 people a year. Oh well.
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615x206px 71.85 KB
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CaliferDean's avatar
Where did that face come from?