Evening BlissLolliponyArt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lolliponyart/art/Evening-Bliss-740760774LolliponyArt

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Evening Bliss



Today, I took up the challenge of doing a speedpaint! I was aiming for 30 minutes, but I wasn't able to manage that so 45 it'll be! (This was with the sketch already made)
There's still a few flaws I didn't catch in that time span, but that's the nature of speedpaints ;p Just move on! I hope to do more of these in the future.

Time Taken: 45 minutes
Programs: Photoshop CC 2017
Tablet: Wacom Bamboo CTH-670
Image size
1500x1500px 1.5 MB
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light-of-Inirida's avatar
It's INCREDIBLE !!, those blue tones are just perfect