LS Cinereal - DarkLolCakeLazors on DeviantArt

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LolCakeLazors's avatar

LS Cinereal - Dark



A new collaboration project with ~ymme1st!

Cinereal Dark
def. (adj.) gray tinged with black.

≈ Status: Not Available on Cydia
≈ Light Version: [link]

≈ Version 1.3: Deleted the custom sliders for answering calls and turning off your device.
≈ Version 1.2a: Fixed iPhone 5 wallpaper, got rid of all "slide to" messages.
≈ Version 1.2: HUGE CHANGES! Created a darker version of this lockscreen. Lockscreen will automatically detect if you're using an iPhone 4/4S or a iPhone 5.
≈ Version 1.1a: Toggle between 24-Hour and 12-Hour clock by modifying Config.js
≈ Version 1.1: Now compatible with iPhone 4 / 4S / 5 - iPod Touch 4G / 5G

≈ Built in Tap to Unlock and Transparent Statusbar.
≈ Works up to iOS 6.1.2
≈ Place the folder into your Winterboard folder [/private/var/stash/Themes] using iFunBox or a SSH client.


1) How do I change the clock to a 24 hour format?
To change the clock from 12-hour to a 24-hour format, open Config.js
located in the theme folder and set twentyfourHour = true.
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morque123's avatar
Does it work with iOS 7?