
Skire Cooking Prompt 1

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Stede was the kind of cccat who loved to try new things. Sewing, drawing, writing, playing music, pottery.. All sorts of artistic endeavors interested him, and he was always trying new and exciting hobbies. His house was filled to the brim with all manner of hobbyist bric-a-brac.

In general he was always quite good at the things he tried. Sure, his pottery was a bit lumpy, but the vases he had made still held flowers and he enjoyed their bohemian hand-made aesthetic. Sewing had always been his main source of income, and he knew he was good at it, so there were no worries there. Drawing was fun, and again a skill he used in tandem with his sewing. Meaning he had made good use of the materials he'd purchased for that particular foray into the arts. Writing was an amusing side-hobby, but he preferred doing more with his hands and had never quite gotten the hang of the comma, the common language being so different from Caster that he'd always had trouble with the structure. Playing music was.. not something he'd been particularly good at, but he'd enjoyed it all the same. Even though when he'd played a small concert for his best friend Fishbone he could tell the other Cccat had maybe not enjoyed it quite as much as he had hoped.

And now he was trying his hand at cooking. Baking, in fact, was what he was going to attempt. Of course, he had cooked before. Cooking was an easy way to entertain friends, and he loved trying new foods and exotic dishes. He didn't need to eat to survive, but he still enjoyed the act of eating, so for him it was almost a form of entertainment in and of itself. He had never really tried to bake anything elaborate before, however, so now he was determined to try something that pushed his skills to the limit. He hoped it would come out alright. He would hate to think that his friends wouldn't enjoy the food he made them.

Currently he was browsing up and down the aisles of his local grocery store. The list he held in his hand was long, but he knew that the end result would be well worth it. A little red pen held delicately in his other hand was currently tapping box after box on the shelf as he moved down the aisle, like a conductor's baton as it tapped a small symphony along the cardboard containers that only he could hear. Humming to himself, Stede's eye roved along the shelves, seeking out the ingredients that he needed to create his new masterpiece. He placed a few boxes in his cart, making sure that they were placed neatly inside the wire trolly. Stede was never one to be untidy, and he hated mess. His friend Fishbone often teased him with how fastidious he was, but Stede simply smiled and teased back that he just had high standards that could seldom be met by others.

Next came a bag of flour, he placed that carefully inside the cart with a little sigh that the bag of flour was slightly too odd-shaped to line up neatly with the other boxes there. But alas, he would have to deal with a little awkwardness, not everything in life could be as neat as he was, unfortunately. Eggs were next, then milk and all sorts of powders and flavoring agents. Stopping to sniff one bottle, he curled his lip up when the aromatic scent of anise hit his palette.

"No, definitely not," He thought to himself, placing the bottle back on the shelf and hiding it behind a larger bottle for good measure.

Skire cooking prompt #1

© 2024 lokidokiarts
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