LoinnirAilleacht on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/loinnirailleacht/art/Happily-Ever-After-141339351LoinnirAilleacht

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Happily Ever After?



This has been stuck in my head ever since we finished the short Ravenloft campaign.

After delivering the final blow to the Count, colonel Teller realized he was able to open any door for anyone to let them go wherever they wish. At the same moment he was aware of fact, that he is abound to the castle, to the country and that he will bever be able to leave. Colonel Isaac Teller was to become the new master of Barovia.

Major Dean decided not to leave, although she could. Instead, she wanted to find out a way to free Isaac from his bounds so they could both return to the USA.
Leave no man behind, she said. In time, they accepted that a return wasn't possibile and that all they can do is try to make Barovia a better place.

This dark place changes its masters, though.

I am not really happy about this. The vision in my head was much more... different. I guess that it would end up better if i had any knowledge about perspective or anathomy... oh well... still the same song. Maybe I'll try it again one day...
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