LoganD312 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/logand312/art/DL-FOE-10mm-Anti-machine-Rifle-566725242LoganD312

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LoganD312's avatar

(DL) FOE 10mm Anti-machine Rifle



Developed for the equestrian forces to compeate with the anti-machine rifle that would eventually be adopted for the contract as the official anti-machine rifle, the baltimare Arms company developed the 10MM anti-machine rifle. although praised for its light weight and reduced recoil compaired to its counter part it was already obsolete by the time the trials came around lacking in armour penetration and thus loosing. however police forces (especially in the baltimare district) found it extreamly effective in stopping light vehicles and so it found a purpose. (just a quick back story to it rather than have it just exist because weapon)

model name: 10mm anti-machine rifle

the rifles concept art by: :iconmozgan:  mozgan.deviantart.com/art/FO-E… (i played with some elements of it just to make it work due to either UV issues or to make it look nicer)

Fun facts: this took about a month to make (i am a perfectionist) and has a total of 35,354 polygons i know its totally overkill but it works none the less.

you have my permision to decompile and edit this model or the textures so you dont need to ask.
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inda26's avatar
I hope you do more FoE weapons for sfm