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Literature Text
We have some tragic news for boys and girls throughout the land
The enemy is on his way and soon you will
Be under his command
Hello, America, do you know me?
I’m the tyrant that you could not overthrow
I’ve been making plans to take you
Get you in my hands and break you
Since you slipped outside my grip so long ago
You tell the world I have no power
You forget the secret bargains that we made
Those who walked this land before you
And the blacks who labored for you
And the poor when they implored you
You abandoned them to me as tribute paid
We have some tragic news for boys and girls throughout the land
Your parents went and sold you into slavery
Please don’t be mad
How could they understand
The life you took for granted was fragile as a dream
One day you’ll all wake up and it will fade away
And all be gone
And it won’t come back
No matter how you scream
[guitar-bass duo]
Our merry chase is almost over
You should know by now there’s no escape from me
Very soon will come the hour
When I have you in my power
When I take away your choices
When I silence all your voices
You will learn my name
I am