Damsels in Distress? pt.1lockezero on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lockezero/art/Damsels-in-Distress-pt-1-136284846lockezero

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lockezero's avatar

Damsels in Distress? pt.1



Well this is my first attempt at getting back to Chibi Panic. I came up with this idea shortly after completing my Samus Fanart. This is kind of a preview of what its gonna look like but I'm definitely gonna clean it up. Oh and never color anything with colored pencil at 7am in the morning if you've been up since 12 pm the previous day. -.-; I'm hoping this storyline will run a bit and I can get even more ideas for the main center focus of the comic so I can start the main story line. Oh and Samus will never be a damsel in distress. Ever.

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All characters belong to Nintendo
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613x900px 159.45 KB
MP190 series
© 2009 - 2024 lockezero
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WhiteBomberGO's avatar

I heard that in one game she becomes submissive to a man who starts to do everything. Even the final boss! No! Not Samus!